Fall Prevention Resources

The team at Group Otago are relentlessly focused on empowering every person with the exercises & support to live a self-reliant & courageous life. Please explore & share these resources to help yourself & others learn more about pro-active fall prevention.
Falls are preventable, find ways for you to be stable & safe
Group Otago|Fall Prevention Resources

Falls are a threat to the health of older adults and can reduce their ability to remain independent. However, falls don’t have to be inevitable as you age. You can reduce your chance of falling or help a loved one prevent falls. There are proven ways to reduce and prevent falls, even for older adults. We identify older adults as anyone 65 years and older. 

Evaluate Your Fall Risk
Group Otago|Fall Prevention Resources
Learn about the CDC's Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (STEADI) Initiative
Group Otago|Fall Prevention Resources

STEADI includes a suite of tools and resources. These resources include basic information about:

Are You Still Going Strong?
Group Otago|Fall Prevention Resources

The Still Going Strong campaign educates about common risk factors for injuries as we age and empowers older adults and their caregivers to prevent these injuries. Getting older doesn’t have to mean giving up the activities you enjoy!

Learn How to Reframe Aging
Group Otago|Fall Prevention Resources

The National Center to Reframe Aging is dedicated to ending ageism by advancing an equitable and complete story about aging in America. Find proven communication strategies & tools to effectively frame aging issues.