Group Otago Certification Mentorship


60 minutes of 1:1 mentor time with Kele Murdin – the passionate founder of Group Otago? Ready to dive into becoming a certified Group Otago Therapist or Instructor but looking for some additional guidance to ensure you are on the right path? Book 1:1 time to help inspire and guide you on your journey.


Book one-hour sessions of dedicated mentor time with the founder of Group Otago. Kele is dedicated to helping you find renewed energy & satisfaction by applying your knowledge & skills for the betterment of your community in this meaningful work.

Kele is an award-winning & nationally recognized physical therapist who is passionate about helping others increase self-reliance while becoming the strongest version of themselves. A thought leader & board-certified clinical specialist in geriatric physical therapy, she radically transformed the evidence-based Otago fall prevention exercise program to include a unique algorithm & protocol to scale from 1:1 to 1:many.

This session is designed to answer any questions you may have about the program. Kele is excited to partner with you on your journey to become a licensed Group Otago professional.