Community Fall-Prevention Workshops


Customizable and engaging workshops for older adult communities focusing on Fall Prevention. Specializing in healthcare, healthy aging, physical therapy, and fall prevention, Kele is a respected national figure in guiding older adults to maintain their independence. These interactive workshops are tailored for seniors and cover evidence-based strategies to reduce falls by over 35%. The sessions include open discussions based on group interests, informative slideshows, and handouts with actionable solutions. Participants have the option to engage in exercises for hands-on learning or observe demonstrations.


Fully customizable fun interactive workshops for older adults to help them learn more about fall prevention. With an extensive background in healthcare, healthy aging, physical therapy, and fall prevention, Kele is a nationally renowned thought leader in helping older adults maintain their independence.

Potential Workshop Topics:

  • How to tell if you are at risk for falls due to mobility,  balance, or strength
  • Let’s discuss “Healthy Ageing” – what does it mean, how are you doing & how to improve
  • Staying healthy & independent

The Workshop Flow:

An open discussion based on the interest of the group. Kele will share evidence-based research on how to reduce falls by 35%+!  Often our workshops involve a slideshow with handouts of key takeaways with practical, realistic & doable solutions that everyone who attends can apply!  Participants can choose to perform the exercises (or just watch) so they can learn by doing, or seeing it done! Interactive participation is a more powerful way to learn!

Who This Is For: Older adults, those who care for older adults (family, senior living facilities, home care agencies, hospital-based communities, caregivers, in-home care facilities, community centers, senior centers, libraries, health fairs)

Pre-work: We work with you to define the workshop topic based on what your community is interested in & we will help you create custom flyers to drive interest in the workshop.  If there will be a slideshow component, we just need you to have basic AV equipment for the presentation.


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