Healthcare Provider Staff Training Workshops


Healthcare Provider Training: Best Practices for Fall Prevention and maintaining older adult’s mobility. Falls pose a significant challenge, and addressing them in combination with other challenges caregivers face, can be daunting. Join this 3-hour training session tailored for healthcare providers working with older adults. Learn evidence-based best practices to enhance your residents’ functionality and ensure the safety of your staff in your specific care setting.



Training for healthcare providers focusing on the best practices for fall prevention. Falls are a major problem and knowing what to do about it can feel overwhelming! In this session, we will work with those caring for the elderly to share evidence-based best practices for your setting and your residents to maximize their function, and keep your staff safe.

Topics We Will Cover:

  • Transfers: We will help you define the optimal transfer support & safety measures for heavy transfers to protect both staff and patients
  • Exercise Prescription & Training: Based on the CDC-backed Otago exercises, we will train the team on the exact exercises, intensity & frequency that are proven to reduce falls by over 35%
  • Addressing Other Challenges: Are there specific areas where your staff is struggling, Kele will collaborate with the care providers to problem-solve to define innovative solutions

Who This Is For:

Care providers for older adults in various settings such as long-term care facilities, nursing homes, group homes, adult day care facilities, and personal caregivers can benefit from adopting best practices.

The Training Flow:

A 3-hour interactive discussion includes hands-on training, aiming for a group problem-solving approach to enhance learning and implementation.


Share the desired topics and caregiver roles in advance to tailor the training effectively.


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